UNILEAD Vietnam 2014 (current – deadline 14 February 2014)

10/08/2017 16:55 GMT+7
The intensive Higher Education Management Training Course (UNILEAD) combines the topics Project Management, Quality Management and Program Development including Curriculum Design with individual and practice-oriented change projects of each participant.

The intensive Higher Education Management Training Course (UNILEAD) combines the topics Project Management, Quality Management and Program Development including Curriculum Design with individual and practice-oriented change projects of each participant. The blended learning programme consists of an online phase with theoretical input, followed by a two-week contact phase in Ho Chi Minh City (4–15 August 2014), a supervised implementaton of the individual projects and a final contact phase (December 2014, Hanoi / Ho Chi Minh City).
deadline for application is 14 February 2014.
For further details and application, please click here:
or write to unilead@daadvn.org